Saturday, 13 November 2010

X Factor Contents

Again the contents for this magazine is divided up into several sections, vertically there are three sections the first of which includes the letter from to the reader from the editor of the magazine giving an outline of the week’s events, the second and third both contain articles included in the magazine along with their page numbers set out in columns. Within the primary optical area the ‘Features’ section of the articles have been included. This is as the primary optical area is the main focus of attention on the page and is where to eye is immediately attracted to so the featured articles are placed here as they are the key elements of the magazine and are what creates interest and causes the reader to want to read on. In the terminal area the ‘Every Week’ articles are included as this is the last thing the reader see’s when scanning over the page this gives a sense of familiarity so the reader knows they can rely on these articles always being in the magazine.
The fonts used are mainly serif across this page, within the section of the editors note a handwriting font has been used to address the reader and also to sign off which gives makes the letter seem more personal and also gives an informal relaxed tone as it opens with ‘Hello!’.

There are several colours used across this page, all are bright and attract attention and also contrast the white background causing them to stand out and catch the eye.
The main image used on this page is large and covers almost a quarter of the entire page, this is as it is part of a main article conducted and has also come from a photo shoot included that has been carried out by the magazine. The several other photos included are pictures from an archive that have been taken by press photographers in everyday life or as in Nicole Scherzinger’s case at an award ceremony.
The actual articles included mainly fit the ‘gossip’ genre with interviews with several celebrities and as this magazines main focus is X factor there are several articles on the contestants, as well as competitions and news surrounding the show.

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